Easy to use kubernetes documentation


PriorityLevelConfigurationSpec specifies the configuration of a priority level.

exempt 🔗

`exempt` specifies how requests are handled for an exempt priority level. This field MUST be empty if `type` is `"Limited"`. This field MAY be non-empty if `type` is `"Exempt"`. If empty and `type` is `"Exempt"` then the default values for `ExemptPriorityLevelConfiguration` apply.

limited 🔗

`limited` specifies how requests are handled for a Limited priority level. This field must be non-empty if and only if `type` is `"Limited"`.

string *

`type` indicates whether this priority level is subject to limitation on request execution. A value of `"Exempt"` means that requests of this priority level are not subject to a limit (and thus are never queued) and do not detract from the capacity made available to other priority levels. A value of `"Limited"` means that (a) requests of this priority level _are_ subject to limits and (b) some of the server's limited capacity is made available exclusively to this priority level. Required.

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